'A Journey to Inner Peace'

One Year Course - 2025

PRICE & SIGN UP (Page 3 of 3)


Course Price:

Kr. 2,900 deposit plus balance of Kr. 5,500 -- total Kr. 8,400


Kr. 2,900 deposit plus 6 payments of Kr. 1,000 -- total Kr. 8,900

The 6 payments are due in March / April / May / June / July / August

2nd/3rd year participants and members of Hjerterum will pay a deposit of only Kr. 1,900

Concessions may be available for those on very low income. Please contact Douglas for details.

The above prices include training and course handouts. You will need to provide your own copy of 'A Course in Miracles', however a free online version is also available.

There are 3 guest workshops on this course where you can bring your partner and friends:

8. March and 27. September (guest price: Kr. 750)

21./22. June (guest price: Kr. 1,250)


This course will be held in easy English with Danish translation whenever necessary.

Times: 10.00 - 18.00 each day

Place: Hjerterum, Guldsmedgade 26b, st, 8000 Aarhus C.

Sign Up and Payments:

In order to sign up, please click the relevant 'deposit' button below, and you will be taken to a registration page and payments.

If you prefer, you can pay in cash or bank transfer.

Bank details: Account Nr: 4280951455 Reg. Nr.: 1551

If you pay using the buttons below, you will eventually be taken to a secure PayPal page. Please note that there is always an option there to pay with your credit card. It may actually say 'Pay with Credit Card' or something like, 'Check out as guest'.

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Deposits are non-refundable.

If you need any more information, you are welcome to contact Douglas at douglas@masteringlife.dk or Tlf: 86 25 21 71


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